martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

In the nursery where I work we conducted many experiments with water. Another activity we did was with empty water bottles, we insert pieces of crepe paper. Then fill the bottle with water and shake strongly.What happened was magic ! The water turned of color paper.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015

This activity I have done with children from 3 years old. To carry out the activity we need:

- large containers
- piece of wood
- plastic car
- cork
- sand
- stone
- any material you want.

We filled he containers  with water and put it in he center of the table. We put the kids around the able and we showing them the differents objects. We introduce the objects one by one into the water and see what happens. Then in assembly we talked about what we have seen

lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

welcome to the blog. I hope we can share lots of ideas to do with our children. thank you!!